Pro-ish whitener than my Crest kit
Before I start mumbling on. Friendly tip: Get abucket close to you ;). My teeth is around 3&4using their scale. Will see if this can get me to2&3 within weeks as per manual :).Manual isclear, and helpful on how to use this beaut'.One thing for sure, teeth maintenance ain't ez.Cleaning it is easy, but expensive. Easybecause it's modular with multiple ways ofpowering up the main device withoutdepending on the box. The box ismultifunctional as general power bank usingUsB-C, and as disinfectant for the mould afteruse. The thing is you have to clean the mouldfirst with pure water (for sure not hard tap),or alcohol, then dry them out, before you putit in the box. Also, don't let it too long of anexposure to air and sun. Since it's massproduced, my Crest kit is better because theyprovided a mould that fit my teeth. With this,I feel sore on my jaw from 15 Minutes of use.For both, the key is on that whitener gel. Willsee how affordable can they keep it. Crestcouldn't.
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