Excellent Entry-Level LLLT “Cold LaserDevice
I am usually a total skeptic about “alternative”pain treatments, but there are simply toomany legitimate medical studies on thepositive effects oflow-level laser therapy(LLLT) to dismiss it out of hand, so l wasthrilled at the chance to try this unit.
Note:l ordered two different devices so lcould compare them. They turned out to beidentical devices being sold under twodifferent brand names. This product(Brand:Pinifriy)is clearly an entry-level machine,with a price point to match($138.99 at timeof order, but subsequently lowered to $129).Imust have read over a hundred studies andarticles about LLLT, and the devices can runinto the thousands of dollars! But fromeverything I've read,LLLT is LLLT-eitherit's going to work for you or it's not. To me, itdoesn't make sense to me to spend a fortuneon a device with lots of bells and whistlesbefore you know if it will help you at all. Forthe price,I think this “starter” device is aperfect way to give this therapy a try.
The build quality is quite good. The unit isplastic and lightweight, but not cheap-feeling.
And it comes with everything you need- theLLLT unit, a wall charger, a charging cable,cheap sunglasses(*never* look at the laserlight; it can literally burn your retina andcause permanent eye damage)and a well.designed, no-frills, zippered carrying case.
I have posted pics of the technical specs andbasic operating instructions, but it'sridiculously easy to use: you simply long-pressthe top button to turn it on, use the bottombutton to set the timer(in 5-minuteincrements up to 30 minutes)and short-pressthe top button to start the lasers. If you wantto pause the unit, short-press the top button,and do the same to resume.Unlike some moreexpensive units, this device does not havedifferent modes(constant and pulse),nor canyou adjust the intensity level.
The fact that a removable plastic cover platewas included "for users who might find laserpower overwhelming" freaked me out a bit, soI started by using the cover plate and settingthe unit for only 5 minutes. I quicklydiscovered that the face of the unit (the partwhere the lasers are) gets warm, but not hotat all. l can't imagine it would burn your skin.It has been impossible to find clear instructions anywhere on the best way to use.
this type of home LLLT unit -- do you need tokeep it moving slowly, or are you supposed toleave it in one spot for a longer period of time(and, if so, how long)? I'm continuing toresearch that, so for nowI am using it withoutthe cover plate and leave it on one spot for 20.30 seconds and then moving it a bit, andl justkeep doing that until the unit turns off.
My one complaint is that the unit does notmake any sound when the timer hits 0.Theinstructions say it's supposed to“tick”andreturn to the setting display when the timerruns out, but mine doesn't do that.The wholeunit just turns off without a sound.This isannoying since you end up either checking thetimer every few minutes (taking care never tolook directly at the laser in the process)orsitting there like an idiot holding thepowered-down device against your skin untilyou figure out the red light has gone out. Butthat's a minor gripe.
A big plus so far has been the battery life. lhave been using it for several days for aboutan hour a day(30 minutes for me and 30minutes for my older dog, who thinks havingthis slightly warm device pressed against himfeels great) and the battery indicator stillshows full.
It's too soon to tell how well (or if) this willwork in alleviating chronic pain. Apparently,some people (or animals) feel results after 1-2treatments while others need 6-8 treatments.The treatment process itself is a bit time-consuming, but I think it's definitely worth atry.
I'll update this review if warranted, but fornow, I'm impressed with the quality of theunit and am giving it an optimistic 5 stars.
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Address : Room 808, 8th Floor, Lot.A4, Financial harbor, NO.77 Optical Valley Road, Wuhan City, China